MEALogo 01 01

  1. scannerScan your document/image using Adobe Photoshop
  2. Place your Alphabet face down on the scan bed (the glass part), with the top of the page towards you and aligned to the left side.
  3. Go to "File" on the Menu Bar
  4. Select "Import" (You should see this)
  5. Choose "Epson Perfection V19" ( you may have to select WIA Support from the list first).
  6. Select "OK"
  7. Click on "Start"
  8. Choose Epson V19 and select "OK"
    1. From this point forward, you can select "Adjust the quality of the scanned picture"  if you so choose
    2. Changing the resolution will affect the quality of the image
      * The quality of the scanned image is completely reliant on the quality of the image that is scanned. If the image is damaged, low resolution, faded, etc, the scan will reflect this as well.
      1. For "On-Screen" images use 72 dpi
      2. For "Printable" images (newspaper quality) use 150 dpi
      3. For "Printable" images (magazine quality) use 200 dpi
      4. For "Printable images (Poster/Photograph quality) use 300 to 350 dpi
      5. Choose "OK"
  9. Click on "Scan"
  10. Save the file (as a .jpg file)in your "Alphabet" folder in your "Communications" folder as "AlphabetScan.jpg"