
mannequin graphic

stop sign Have you checked PowerShool? This is your responsibility! Make sure that the grade you are recieving is the grade you are expecting. If not, then it is probably a good idea to talk to your teacher about why that is. Easy hed 796x398 Technology is not an easy button to be exploited. It is created by humans to aid in a variety of tasks. It must be learned, harnessed and mastered. 


(Be sure to email me about any late assignments)

Welcome to the world of Digital Photography. The concept of trapping time in a bottle has been romanticized by humankind for most of its existence. From early cave paintings to, the recording of humanity's history has become one of the greatest aspirations for people who are fascinated with the capturing of events, places, things, nature, and other people in a way that we will be able to observe them for a lifetime…and beyond. By partaking in the photographing of your world around you, you are investing yourself in the propagating of human achievement for all time. Who would've thought that your decision to pick up a camera might lead to such a noble venture?

Your role, as a photographer is to tell a story with imagery. Whether you are aware of it or not, your job is to capture a moment in time,…for all time, as a keepsake of an occurrence in the past. It is impossible to capture the future. It hasn't happened yet. To understand this notion is to embrace your own mortality: to understand that time is always in motion.

Time can never be reclaimed. And, unless it is recorded in some manner, time is lost forever.

Therefore, the time is now.

How will your assignments be graded?

This is not an introductory level class. This is a "Second Teir" (advanced) level class. Therefore, your grade will be a result of Subjective grading and Objective grading combination. 

  • Objective Grading is where your assignment is scored against a basic checklist of demands or criteria: a rubric
  • Subjective Grading is a result of my overall opinion of your work. What is this opinion based on?
    • My perception of your work ethic and aproach.
      • Are you at class on time? Is your camera charged up and ready to go?
      • Are you actively involved in completing assignments?
      • Are you submitting assignments in on time? In the proper format? In the proper location?
    • My perception of your level of participation
      • Are you involved in classroom discussion? Are you providing appropriate feedback?
      • Are you completing the google slide shows distributed to the class that requires comments?
    • My perception of your end product and it's overall quality
      • You are expected to develop "an eye" over time - take the time to really look at photos in class. Look for details, lighting, color, shadows, etc.
      • Observe the practices of taking a good photo (Depth of Field, Lens Manipulation, Good Composition)

Objectives of Digital Photography

  • Learn the fundamentals of operating photography equipment
  • Learn the fundamentals of taking photographs
  • Learn how to stage a photograph
  • Learn the manipulation of photographs
  • Masking
  • Extrapolating
  • Adjustments
  • Establish and maintain a "Royalty Free" stock photo library
  • Understand and execute ethical conduct while performing as a photographer
  • Distribution of photographic material
  • Avoidance of copyrighted materials
  • Use of appropriate CONSENT FORM to use materials
  • Shoot photographs on demand
  • Maintaining a "school appropriate" atmosphere and completed portfolio

     Due Date: January 7


Here is Assignment #1

  • Create a new folder (on your student drive) and label it Digital Photography
  • Create a new folder in the Digital Photography folder you just created and label it “Classroom Policy
  • On the menu bar at the top of this webpage, click on the “Home” tab and then select “Classroom Policy
  • Read the Classroom Policy
  • Create a new MS Word document and write a 6-8 sentence statement declaring which classroom policy you feel is your personal favorite, the most important, or maybe even has the most long-term effects on your immediate future (Be sure to use proper sentences, punctuation, spelling, etc)..
  • Save your MS Word document as "Classroom Policy Assignment.doc" in your "Classroom Policy" folder

Here is Assignment #2

  • Create a new folder in the Digital Photography folder you just created and label it “Grading Policy
  • On the menu bar at the top of this webpage, click on the “Home/Resources” tab and then select “Grading Policy
  • Scroll to the bottom of the page and read the "The Grading Policy (Communications/Multimedia/Digital Photography)" section
  • Create a new MS Word document and write a two sentence statement that describes how the 'Salvage Date" works, regarding future assignments and projects
  • Save your MS Word document as "Grading Policy Assignment.doc" in your "Grading Policy" folder

Here is Assignment #3

  • Create a new folder in your Digital Photography folder and title it "Save Your Work"
  • Read the following webpage regarding Save Your Work (Where/What/How
  • Create a new Word document and answer these questions
  • What file type are Adobe Illustrator files supposed to be saved as (natively)?
  • What file type are Adobe Photoshop files supposed to be saved as (natively)?
  • Write a short answer essay on what the difference is between a "project" file and a "rendered" file - do not copy and paste these answers. Your original and authentic response will illustrate your true understanding of the question.
  • Write a short answer essay on why we "import" and "export" files.
  • Save your MS Word document as "Save Your Work.doc" in your "Save Your Work" folder

Here is Assignment #4

Create an Adobe ID that will work with the Adobe Creative Cloud and the Mobile Adobe Apps that we will use in this course. This Adobe ID will act as your login for all Adobe Producst that you will use while enrolled in Graphic Communications I/II, Multimedia or Digital Photography. If you have created an Adobe ID, it is useable for all classes so do not create one for each class - just a single instance. Go to: and click on "Sign In" at the top of the webpage You will need to select "Create an Account" button (be sure to use your google school account). Once you have completed that, leave a comment below saying "Adobe ID Created" (on Schoology).